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Is the superclone grade 1:1 as the original?

There is no such thing as a 1:1 replica grade. In reality, under close inspection, put side by side with the original piece, knowing which is which, a watchmaker will identify the replica. You can check youtube videos with up-close comparison of Superclone watches and original watches. However, the small differences that might appear, are not superior in quality, just small divergencies or offsets compared to the original. In real-life scenarios, without having the real watch next to the fake, even experienced watchmakers will have a hard time answering if it’s authentic. With that said, we strongly discourage and condemn our clients from trying to sell replica watches as original or fool anybody into thinking it’s original. Replica watches are meant to bring you the pleasure of owning and wearing the watch you desire, without breaking the bank, and have this masterpiece of craftmanship that will motivate you towards achieving new heights and goals in life.